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Complete the sentence using one of the following words:
Cause/close/drink/live/ open/speak/take
I never _______ coffee.
A. Open
B. Takes
C. Live
D. Drink

Last updated date: 20th May 2024
Total views: 379.8k
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Hint: The given sentence consists of the noun ‘coffee’. The sentence suggests an action regarding coffee. The given question has action words as options. We will look for an option that is an appropriate action word for the noun ‘coffee’.

Complete answer:
Let us analyse each option individually in detail to figure out the correct option with the help of the above stated hint.
Open: The verb ‘open’ means to uncover something or to disclose something, start afresh. Example: Open your gifts. This verb is not appropriate for the given sentence. Therefore, this is not the correct option.

Takes: The verb ‘takes’ means to get into someone’s possession by voluntary action. Example: I want to take your responsibility now. This verb is not appropriate for the given sentence. Therefore, this is not the correct option.

Live: The verb ‘live’ means to have life as an organism, to be alive. Example: I live in New Delhi.This verb is not appropriate for the given sentence. Therefore, this is not the correct option.

Drink: The verb ‘drink’ means the action of sipping and consuming a beverage. Example: What would you like to drink ? This verb appropriately fits the given sentence. Therefore, this is the correct option.

Hence, the correct answer is option D.

Note: The given sentence demands an action regarding the noun ‘coffee’ which is a type of beverage that can be consumed. Therefore, the final sentence after our concluded answer becomes “I never drink coffee”. A noun is the name of a person, place or thing which is modified by an action word or verb to add meaning to it. Example: Eat your sandwich.
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