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Choose the best option with the pair of rhyming words:
a. coupon, shun
b. coupon, flaunt
c. coupon, pawn
d. coupon, blunt

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 376.2k
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 Try to say each word out loud. This will clear up any confusion about the spelling. It is necessary to make sure that the words sound the same and have the same intonation. Then, choose the most appropriate option.

Complete answer:
 Rhyming words are two or more words that have the same or similar ending sound. Some examples of rhyming words are goat, boat, moat, float, coat. If the two words sound different, they do not rhyme. For example, car and man do not rhyme; house and grass do not rhyme.
Look at the transliteration of the first word - The word ‘coupon’ is pronounced as ‘koo-pawn’. This word has a very deceiving spelling. Transliterating is the key to finding the other rhyming word.
The word ‘shun’ is transliterated as ‘sh-uhn’. The word ‘flaunt’ is transliterated as ‘flawnt’. The word ‘pawn’ is also transliterated as ‘pawn’. The word ‘blunt’ is transliterated as ‘blu-uhnt’.

Now, we know exactly what rhyming words are. Let’s look at our options-
a. coupon, shun - These two words have completely different pronunciations and their transliterations are completely different. They do not sound similar and are not rhyming words. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.
b. coupon, flaunt - These two words have completely different pronunciations and their transliterations are completely different. They do not sound similar and are not rhyming words. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.
c. coupon, pawn - These two words have similar pronunciations and their transliterations are similar sounding. They sound similar and are rhyming words. This is the required answer. So, this is the correct option.
d. coupon, blunt - These two words have completely different pronunciations and their transliterations are completely different. They do not sound similar and are not rhyming words. This is not the required answer. So, this is an incorrect option.

The first word of each option is the key to finding the correct option. The transliteration of ‘coupon’ will help to find the correct rhyming word.

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