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What are the reasons why groups are marginalized:-
A. Because of government profit
B. Less majority
C. Both (A) and (B) 
D. None of the above

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: We need to know that the marginalized populations are known to be groups and communities that endure discrimination and exclusion because of uneven power relationships across different dimensions. Several groups of people within a given culture, context, and history at danger of being subjected to various discrimination due to the interaction of different personal characteristics, such as sex, ethnicity, gender, age, religion or belief, or even residing in various geographic localities.

Complete answer:
As we know that the groups of people may have the occurrence of being eliminated. Their marginalization could be because they converse in a different language, follow diverse customs, or belong to another religious group from the majority population. They may feel marginalized as they are poor, deemed to be of low social status, and observed as less human than the others. The government delivers various schemes to increase profit through the power of these people and groups.
We need to remember that if a society is marginalized, it means that it has been ordered to occupy on the sides and is not at the center of things. Most of the time, people relating to different social societies feel excluded from the entire society. Often, a person ends up assuming that he is not with it and as if what you say or feel or think are not quite right or pleasant to others. The reason for marginalization could be that they relate to a different caste or religion too. Other reasons for getting marginalized could be economic, cultural, social, and political factors working together to make specific groups in the community feel marginalized.
Sometimes, these marginalized sections of society are managed with hostility and fear. Because of this, such parts do not have access to valuable resources and won't be able to take a view in society. They also won't be able to affirm their basic rights. And because of this, they are filled with a feeling of powerlessness.
So, the correct answer is Option C.

Note: We need to know that India's constitution renders defenses to linguistic and spiritual minorities as a part of the Fundamental Rights. It is used to indicate those communities whose numbers are lesser as compared to the residue of the population.
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