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An astronaut experiences weightlessness in a space satellite. It is because
(A) The gravitational force is small at that location in space.
(B) The gravitational force is large at that location in space.
(C) The astronaut experiences no gravity.
(D) The gravitational force is infinitely large at that location in space.

Last updated date: 05th May 2024
Total views: 340.2k
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Hint :Weightlessness is a sensation experienced by an individual where there are no external objects touching one’s body. In other words, the sensation of weightlessness exists when all contact forces are removed. These sensations are common to the state of free fall.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
Weightlessness can be described as a feeling of near-complete absence of weight. Astronauts orbiting the Earth often experience the phenomenon of weightlessness. These sensations experienced by the orbiting astronauts are an equivalent sensation experienced by anyone who has been temporarily suspended above the seat on a funfair ride. The causes of the feeling of weightlessness in both these cases are an equivalent or same.
We also know that the weight of individual or any object is given by the equation,
 $ W = m \times g $
Where w is weight
m is mass
and g is acceleration due to gravity.
Now, we also know that the mass of the astronaut can never be equal to zero, so for weight to be zero ‘g’ has to be zero.
This means that the weightless can is felt by astronauts due to the absence of gravity.
Hence option C is the correct answer.

Note :
We usually use lift in the buildings and while the lift goes downwards sometimes we feel the weightlessness, it is because that the reaction or the normal force due to gravitation does not affect us in lift.
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