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Against the given word, there are some alternatives, one of which is either similar in meaning (synonym) or opposite in meaning (antonym) to the word. Find out which of the given alternatives is either a synonym or an antonym of the word.
a) Repulsive
b) Distant
c) Honest
d) Immoral

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 394.8k
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Hint: Dissolute refers to being involved in lustful and immoral actions and ways. Synonyms are words that are closest in meaning to another word, whereas Antonyms are words that are contrary in meaning to another word.

Complete answer:
 The word ‘dissolute’ has been derived from the Latin word- Dissolvere.
We know the meaning and the origin of the word ‘dissolute’. Now, let’s look at its usage:
Example: The king was banished for his dissolute actions. Here, we can conclude that a king, ‘X’ was banished from the kingdom because of his immoral and lustful ways.
Let’s decipher the meaning of the given options-
Option a- ‘Repulsive’ refers to something that is offensive or revolting. Example- There was a repulsive odor in the car. ‘Repulsive’ is different in meaning to dissolute. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option b- ‘Distant’ refers to something that is far away or remote. Example- My mother used to recite a story about a princess living in a distant land. ‘Distant’ is different in meaning to dissolute. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option c- ‘Honest’ refers to being truthful and open about someone or something. Example- She presented her honest review of the novel. ‘Honest’ is different in meaning to dissolute. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
Option d- ‘Immoral’ refers to being unprincipled or unethical. Example- The employee was suspended for her immoral behavior. ‘Immoral’ is similar in meaning to dissolute. Hence, it is the correct option.
So, the correct answer is “Option d”.

Some commonly used synonyms of ‘dissolute’ are lews, unchaste, corrupt, etc while some commonly used antonyms of ‘dissolute’ are ascetic, virtuous, chaste etc.
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