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A basketball court is 20 meters long and 10 meters wide. What is the total sum of its sides?

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A) 30 meters
B) 50 meters
C) 60 meters
D) 200 meters

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: We know that the rectangle has a property that the opposite sides of the rectangle are equal and all angles are 90 degrees. And also we can say that all sides of a rectangle are perpendicular to each other.

Complete step by step solution: Here given that :
DC = 20 meters
BC = 10 meters
And we know that by the property of rectangle –
DC = AB and BC = AD
Therefore, AB = 20 meters and AD = 10 meters
Now, total sum of its side= AB+BC+CD+DA
= ( 20+10+20+10 ) meters
= 60 meters

Hence, option (C) is correct.

Note: Sum of sides of rectangle is known as perimeter and to find the perimeter of rectangle there is a formula :
Perimeter of rectangle =$2 \times (length + breadth)$
Length is the longest side of the rectangle and Breadth is the smallest side of the rectangle.
( Here in this question
Length = AB = CD = 20 meters
Breadth = BC = AD = 10 meters
Perimeter of rectangle ABCD = $2 \times ( 20+10 ) $meters
= $2 \times 30 $ meters
60 meters.)
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