Let me tell you what a Scientific tool is. A scientific instrument is a device or tool that is used for scientific purposes, like for laboratory purposes. You use these scientific tools for making some small experiments like vinegar and baking soda experiments and things like that. Let’s study scientific things in detail.

Science Equipments
What are Scientific Instruments?
As already discussed, scientific instruments are the tools which make the scientific experiments easier. And this is the reason why scientists use these structured tools. It helps them to speed up their lab process and makes them safe from harsh chemicals.
Various Kinds of Scientific Instruments and Their Application :
As technology advances, so the capability of the tools that scientists use is getting advanced.
Instruments like accelerometer which is used for physical acceleration.
Ammeter quantity measured for electric current.
Calorimeter is for measuring the height of a cloud base.
Galvanometer is for measuring electricity.
Hydrometer is for measuring humidity.
Actinometer for heating power of sunlight.
Barometer is for measuring tanning liquors used in tanning leather.
Barometer is for measuring air pressure.
Bevameter is for measuring mechanical properties of soil.
Breathlyzer is for measuring breathing alcohol content.
Calliper is for measuring dimensions of an object.
Densimeter is for measuring specific gravity of liquids.
Diffractometer is for measuring the structure of crystals.
Electrometers are for measuring electric charge.
Fuel gauge is for measuring fuel levels.
pH metre is for pH (chemical/acidity/basicity of a solution).
Pyrometer will measure high temperature.
Rain gauge will measure rain in mm.
Rheometer will measure the pressure of a liquid or gas in a closed tube.
Spectrophotometer for intensity of light as a function of wavelength.
Tachometer will be used to measure revolution per minute, rate of blood flow, speed of aeroplanes.
Voltmeter will measure electric potential voltage.
Watt metres will measure electrical power.
Zymometer will measure fermentation.
Bevameter will measure mechanical properties of soil.
Bolometer will measure electromagnetic radiation.
Dilatometer will measure the volume changes caused by a physical or chemical process.
Dynamometer will measure force, torque or power.
Various Kinds of Tools Used in the Laboratory Setup:
The following is a list of some common tools
Beaker: It is a cylindrical container having a flat bottom used for liquid volume containment.
Microscope: A small microscopic image seen into larger geographic area

Thermometer: Indicates the body temperature. There are different types of digital thermometers, ear( or tympanic thermometer), infrared thermometer, strip type thermometer, and mercury thermometer.

Petri Dish: Used to culture organisms and watch how they change over time.

Petri Dish

Bunsen Burner: Produce a gas flame and use it for heating up the substances. The gas can be natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas. There are three types of bunsen burners.

Bunsen Burner
Incubators: It is a device keeping something warm at a particular temperature.

Funnel: It is a small tool that can allow a scientist to pour different substances into a single container.

Scientific Equipments
Scientists gather data, and information, as they seek to learn about the world. Scientists may use these tools in a laboratory where they can perform their work. Scientists also use special tools to do their work. They use different types of lenses to examine objects that are very small. These tools help them to work more and more without any difficulties like they can measure distance with a metre stick or measuring tape.
Some instruments like calculators and computers help scientists to analyse the data.
Solved Questions
1. How many types of bunsen burners are there?
Ans: A) 3
Three types of bunsen burners are there, one shows yellow flame, the second shows blue flame and the other shows blue roaring colour flame. So totally there are 3 types.
2. Which instrument is used to produce flame?
Rain gauge
Bunsen burner
Petri dish
Ans: C) Bunsen burner
Bunsen burner is an instrument used to heat something by flame and that was produced by this instrument in laboratory conditions.
3. Which device is used to keep something at a particular temperature?
Bunsen burner.
Ans: A) Incubator.
An incubator is a device used to maintain a particular environmental temperature and we are able to adjust the condition according to our specific needs.
Scientific equipment is beneficial in a day to day life as well as in our future it helps us to find more things new. The development of instruments maintains a symbiotic relationship with science as a whole. Advanced tools enable a scientist to answer increasingly complex questions and new findings in research.
FAQs on Scientist Tools
1. What are the tools scientists use?
Some of the tools are an incubator, freezer, cooler, flask, beaker etc.,.
2. Write down some of the measurement instruments?
Ammeter, voltmeter, densimeter, electrometer etc…
3. Which is used for observing small objects?
The microscope is an instrument which is used to observe small objects, even cells.
4. What do we do with the bunsen burner?
A Bunsen burner is an instrument used to make a flame to heat something.
5. Define pH metre?
A pH metre is a device used to measure pH level based on the acidity and basicity of the given substance.