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FAQs on Ledgers Simplified: TS Grewal Class 11 Chapter 6 Solutions
1. What is a ledger?
A ledger is a book in accounting that has multiple accounts and records transactions pertaining to each account. It's also known as the final entry book or the principal book of accounts. It's a book in which all debited and credited transactions are recorded. A ledger account is a collection of all ledgers that contains data about an organization's accounting processes. Because it assists in the production of a trial balance, which is needed to generate financial statements, it is considered the most important book in accounting.
2. What is a journal?
A journal is a type of sub-accounting book that records monetary transactions according to accounting principles. These transactions are recorded in chronological order and provide details on the accounts that each transaction impacts. It's the very first step in the accounting process. The sections of a journal are as follows.
Transaction date is determined by when the transaction occurred.
Details of the transaction are recorded.
Page number in the ledger where the entry is made.
Debit Amount The amount that has been deducted from your account as a result of a transaction.
Credit Amount The credit amount is determined by the transaction.
3. What is the difference between a Ledger and Journal?
The key differences between Journal and Ledger are as follows:
A journal is a separate accounting book that records transactions. A ledger is a basic accounting book that organises transactions from a diary.
The journal transactions are presented in chronological order on the day they occur. The ledger classifies the transactions in the journal according to the accounts they are tied to.
Each journal entry contains a detailed description of each transaction. The ledger records do not include a complete description of each transaction.
4. Is Class 11 Accountancy TS Grewal Solutions a good book to revise from?
Students can use the ideas of the ledger to help them create trial balances and profit and loss accounts. In addition, TS Grewal Accountancy Solutions is a complete resource for commerce students to learn about. Students can use these solved practise questions to help them prepare for their exams. For Class 11 TS Grewal answers, a Ledger pdf is given to make accounting problems easier to practise. The ledger account aids in the planning of a profit and loss account so that the company's profit or loss may be assessed.
5. What are Ledgers distinguishing characteristics according to Class 11 Accountancy TS Grewal Solutions?
The following are the characteristics of a ledger:
Debit and Credit are the two sides of any ledger. On the left side of a ledger, debit entries appear, whereas credit entries appear on the right side.
Because the transaction is tied to a specific person, asset, cost, or revenue, every transaction affects two or more ledger accounts.
Keeping the ledger in order: A ledger's total debit and credit sides must always be the same. However, this isn't always the case, since the debit side may be greater than the credit side, or vice versa. On the defective side, we must record the difference between the two to balance the ledger. When the debit side exceeds the credit side, the amount is recorded on the credit side and is referred to as a debit balance.