Class 11 Economics Sandeep Garg Solutions Chapter 5 – Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean
FAQs on Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 5 Solutions
1. What are the topics that are covered by Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 5: Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean?
There are a number of topics covered in the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean and the topics can be provided as follows:
Arithmetic means: This is the value that is obtained by the sum of all the values obtained during the observation which is divided by the total number of observations. It is also commonly called average value or mean value.
Median values: When you get a number of values in observation in order to find the middle value of the number of observations, the study of Median is used provided the values are arranged in ascending order.
Mode: The mode of tabulated data means the value that occurs the most in the number of observations provided. For example, if you have a number of data such as 12, 13, 16, 12, 18, 12, 20. In this case, the mode of the said observations will be 12.
2. Is it possible to learn more about tabulated data and finding average value via Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean?
Yes, Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean helps students learn more into detail about how to tabulate data in an effective manner and the distribution of the overall data in an arranged manner. Students also get to learn how to find the average value, median, and mode of the tabulated data using the Solutions by Sandeep Garg. With these solutions, you will get help solving simple problems in a much-structured format, and by understanding the concept you can use it in your exams as well.
3. How does the tabulated data and other topics mentioned in Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean help in daily life use?
4. Will Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean help me score high marks during my Class 11 exam?
Yes, by accessing the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean via Vedantu you get an idea regarding what is involved in Chapter 5 and what are its components. You also get to prepare for the exams in advance and help you to maintain a better confidence level which would have been otherwise not possible if you learn all the concepts just before the exam. You can also access the NCERT solutions via Vedantu for Class 11 chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic Mean for clear concept explanation along with the live interactive classes.
5. What are the best books on Economics one should read if they are interested in the subject?
There are a number of economic books that one should access to make sure you understand the core concepts of Economics. Provided the student is quite new to the field of economics being Class 11, you can check out the following books that will develop a peculiar love with the subject:
Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith is one of the first books of modern-day economic thought which might be a bit heavy for beginners but holds a real high value for its content.
The age of uncertainty, also based on modern-day economics by John Kenneth Galbraith is one of the must-read books for all economics enthusiasts!
Economics in One Lesson, which is written by Henry Hazlitt, is an excellent book and worth reading at least once in your lifetime!
Freakonomics written by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner is another book that will amuse students from Class 11 bringing forth the love for the subject even more. It answers the questions that you might have not even thought about!