Hindi (Kshitij) Important Questions for Chapter 7 साखियाँ एवं सबद (कबीर) Class 9 - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on Saankhiyaan Evam Sabad (साखियाँ एवं सबद) Class 9 Important Questions: CBSE Hindi (Kshitij) Chapter 7
1. What is the central theme of Kabir's Sakhiyan?
कबीर की साखियों का केंद्रीय विषय सत्य की प्राप्ति और ईश्वर को अपने भीतर पहचानने का है। कबीर यह संकेत करते हैं कि वास्तविक आत्मिकता पूजा-पाठ, मंदिरों या मस्जिदों में नहीं मिलती, बल्कि यह आत्म-जागरूकता और आंतरिक भक्ति में पाई जाती है।
2. What does Kabir mean by the phrase "Mohe kahan dhundhe bande, main to tere paas mein"?
इस पंक्ति में कबीर हमें बताते हैं कि भगवान बाहर, मंदिरों या दूरस्थ स्थानों में नहीं हैं। बल्कि, भगवान हर व्यक्ति के भीतर, उनके दिल और आत्मा में हैं। भगवान को बाहरी रूप से ढूँढ़ने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है, क्योंकि वह पहले से ही हमारे भीतर मौजूद हैं।
3. How does Kabir view the practice of rituals like visiting temples or mosques?
Kabir sees the practice of rituals like visiting temples, and mosques, or performing religious ceremonies as external actions that do not lead to true spiritual enlightenment. He suggests that God cannot be found in these places but within oneself, in one’s own heart and soul.
4. What message does Kabir convey through the metaphor of "Hansa ke liye mana, mukta phal mukta chugay"?
कबीर हंस (हंसा) का उपमा देते हुए जीवन में भ्रांतियों औरAttachments से बंधे व्यक्ति को वर्णित करते हैं। जैसे हंसा मोती खोजने के बाद झील छोड़ने को तैयार नहीं होता, वैसे ही मनुष्य अक्सर भौतिक दुनिया में फंसकर उसे अंतिम सत्य समझने लगता है, जबकि वह यह नहीं समझ पाता कि सत्य उसके भीतर ही है।
5. What is the significance of the line “Premi dhoondhte main phirun, premi mile na koi”?
Kabir expresses the difficulty of finding a true devotee or the true essence of love for God. Despite searching for the true lover (representing God), Kabir finds it challenging to locate him. This suggests that a true connection with God requires deep devotion and is not easy to achieve.
6. What does Kabir mean by "Jogi jugati kari santon bandhi, Nirchu chhavai na paani"?
Kabir refers to the practices of Yogis and saints, which are intended to bring the person closer to God. He emphasises that the true seeker of God transcends external practices and rituals, and only those who are free from worldly desires and deceit can truly experience the divine.
7. What is the meaning of "Hindu mooa Ram kahi, Muslim mooa Khudai"?
Kabir criticizes the blind attachment to religious labels. He explains that both Hindus and Muslims die chanting their respective religious names but without true realisation of God. True spirituality transcends religious divisions and is found in the essence of devotion, not in labels.
8. What is Kabir’s view on social status and high birth in relation to spirituality?
Kabir argues that high birth or social status does not guarantee spiritual wisdom. True spirituality is reflected in a person’s actions, thoughts, and devotion, not in their caste or social class. Even a person from a low social class can achieve spiritual realisation if they live righteously.
9. How does Kabir use the metaphor of "Mota chun maida bhaya, baithi Kabira jeem"?
Kabir uses the metaphor of wheat being ground into flour and then into fine flour (maida) to explain that regardless of the process or form, the essence remains the same. Similarly, whether one practices different forms of worship or religion, the ultimate goal is to realize the same divine truth.
10. What is the role of Shabad (the word) in Kabir's philosophy?
Shabad refers to the sacred sound or word that leads to spiritual awakening. In Kabir’s philosophy, Shabad is seen as the medium through which one can connect with the divine. By chanting or contemplating the divine word, one transcends worldly illusions and attains self-realisation and liberation.