CBSE Class 6 Science Components of Food Worksheets with Answers - Chapter 2 - PDF
FAQs on CBSE Class 6 Science Components of Food Worksheets
1. How many hours must students of Class 6 study Science every day for?
Every student is different and requires a different strategy as well as the duration of study to succeed in the exam. Thus, a particular number cannot be drawn as a hard and fast rule to follow while studying. Somewhere around two to three hours of studying every single day shall be enough for most students. That being said, there are going to be days when one does not feel like studying at all and other days where they feel like solving more sums after they've completed and all this is perfectly normal. They should listen to their mind and body and not exert a lot. Regular breaks and participating in activities that the student enjoys also help take their mind off of studying and refresh it.
2. Will solving CBSE Class 6 Science worksheets help boost the student's overall score?
Undoubtedly solving worksheets helps, as a student practises whatever he has learned and thereby, gets a better score in the examination. However, care must be taken that one does not copy the solutions and solves all of these worksheets with complete honesty and also takes note of the time. After one has completed solving the worksheets on their own only then shall they refer to the solution set offered on our website. A careful analysis must be performed of what they did right and the things that could have been better. It is also very important to check whether the right method was followed to get to the correct answer rather than just checking if the answer was right.
3. Are concepts that are taught in Class 6 Science useful for higher classes too?
Indeed, everything that the student learns in their Class 6 is very useful in higher classes. Classes 5 and 6 lay down the foundation that is very crucial to perform optimally in Classes 7, 8, and 9. All the important concepts of Science taught in further classes are just building upon the knowledge that the student has gained in Class 6 Science and hence, it is safe to conclude that without a good understanding of the chapters in Class 6 Science, it would be very difficult to perform well in exams coming ahead.
4. What are some important things to remember while solving CBSE Class 6 Science worksheets?
What many students fail to realise is the fact that solving worksheets is just like appearing for mini-tests and hence, they shall solve all of them with complete honesty and without any disturbance from their friends and family members. Every problem given in the worksheet must be solved meticulously, and the answers must be checked only after completing the paper. Students must also make note of the amount of time they take to solve the worksheet completely as time management is another very important factor that is tested in the exam. Along with this, the student must also make sure that they work on their presentation skills and take care of every minute detail like handwriting, clarity in the diagrams drawn if any, making sure the paper is clean and without any smudges or ink marks, and other things like that.
5. What are a few important sub-topics that students must not skip while preparing for the Class 6 Science Components of Food topic?
It cannot be denied that every part of the chapter is important and is just as likely to appear in the exam as any other, but it is also true that some questions are known to appear in the exam more frequently than others and hence, students must put extra efforts into making sure that they have studied them well and are fully equipped to answer any type of a question asked on them. We're listing down some of the subtopics in this chapter from which various types of questions have been observed to appear in the exam over the previous years.
Constituents of food items
Properties of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibres.
Importance of maintaining a balanced diet in our day-to-day lives.
Different types of diseases and the deficiency of what constituent causes them
Symptoms of these diseases
How to cure the diseases
Different types of Vitamins and the role they play in keeping us fit and healthy
Importance of minerals in our body.