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Write IUPAC name of the given compound:

Last updated date: 09th Apr 2024
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MVSAT 2024
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Hint: IUPAC or International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry is the method which helps in the naming of the organic compound. Organic compounds mainly consist of carbon and hydrogen. Molecules which consist of double bonds are known as alkenes and molecules with single bonds are known as alkanes.

Complete answer:
-For the naming of the compound, first, we have to do the numbering of the given organic molecule.
-The numbering of a molecule is done according to the priority table of the functional groups.
-In the given compounds, the numbering of the compound will be done from the right-hand side because of the presence of chlorine and a double-bond on the same carbon.
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-So, the chlorine and a double-bond or the unsaturated bond i.e. 'ene' are present in the first position.
-Now, the name of the compound will be 1-chloroethene or chloroethene. Here, one is written as it denotes the position of the chlorine atom and 'ene' functional group.
-The chloroethene also has a common name that is vinyl chloride.
-the compound chloroethene is widely used in the construction work and for the packaging of the food.
Therefore, the IUPAC name of the organic compound is chloroethene.

The priority table of the functional groups tells us about which functional group has the highest preference while doing the naming of any organic compound. For example, Carboxylic acid is the prior functional group in the priority table after it ester, aldehyde, ketone, alcohol and amine comes.
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