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Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint- In order to solve the given problem, first we will describe the term Plumbosolvency. Further we will see where this term is used and what are the various reasons behind Plumbosolvency. Also further we will see the various steps required in order to remove Plumbosolvency.

Complete answer:
Lead generally reacts with running water. Regardless of the production of lead hydroxide, a toxic substance, lead is not affected by liquid water in the absence of oxygen because water contains dissolved oxygen and solvent effect on lead. This is called the Plumbosolvency case.
Plumbosolvency is the ability to dissolve lead by a solvent, notably water. It is an unwanted area inside the municipal water system. In (usually older) plumbosolvency water premises of consumers may target lead pipes, lead service lines and any lead in the solder used to connect copper.
Water plumbosolvency can be counteracted by reaching a pH of 7.5 by increasing the pH with lime or sodium hydroxide (lye) or by providing protection on the inside of lead pipes by applying phosphate to water treatment works.
While the optimal pH for plumbosolvency prevention is 7.5, performance in the range pH 7.2-7.6 is still very good. Attaining this pH has been shown to decrease blood lead concentrations in the population.

Note- Additionally, chlorinating water eliminates dissolved lead. It allows lead pipe interiors to fill with lead chloride, which is extremely insoluble in cold water. Even lead chloride in hot water is relatively soluble. With this purpose, if the water could have been in contact with lead, water to be used for drinking or cooking food can never be drawn from a hot-water tank. Water should be taken from a cold water tap and heated in a saucepan or kettle without lead or lead solder.
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