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Which one of the following organisms is scientifically correctly named, correctly printed according to the International Rules of Nomenclature, and is correctly described?
A) Musca domestica- the common house lizard, a reptile
B) Plasmodium falciparum- A protozoan pathogen causing the most serious type of malaria
C) felis tigris- The Indian tiger, well protected in Gir forests
D) E.coli- full name Entamoeba coli, a commonly occurring bacterium in the human intestine.

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Binomial Nomenclature is a system of naming species. As per the International Rules of Nomenclature, the scientific name of any particular species consists of 2 elements, genus, and species.

Complete step by step answer: The binomial term can be defined as a two-term naming system that uses two completely different terms to call or name a particular species of plants, animals, or any other living organisms. Binomial nomenclature is additionally referred to as the Binary Nomenclature system. Italics are used for microorganisms and microorganisms taxa of the family and below. All microorganisms’ genus is italicized. Serovars of enteric bacteria enter aren't italicized. For organisms apart from bacterium, fungi, and viruses, scientific names of taxa on top of the genus level (families, orders, etc.) ought to be in roman print.
Now let’s look at each option in detail to obtain the correct answer.
-Musca domestica is the common housefly. In choice A, the scientific name isn't italicized.
-Plasmodium falciparum could be a protozoan infectious agent inflicting the foremost serious style of protozoal infection.
-Mammal Felis tigris is the scientific name of the Indian tiger. In choice C, the primary letter of genus Felis tigris isn't written in graphic symbolic i.e. in the capital.
-Escherichia coli is the full name for the bacteria E. coli. It normally happens within the human gut.
Thus, the right answer is choice B-Plasmodium falciparum- A protozoan pathogen causing the most serious type of malaria.

Note: Binomial terminology, additionally referred to as binominal terminology or binary terminology, could be a formal system of naming species of living things by giving every a reputation composed of 2 components, each of that use Latin grammatical forms, though they will be supported words from alternative languages.