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Which one of the following countries does not have a parliamentary form of Government?
A) India
B) U.S.A.
C) U.K.
D) Bangladesh

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 352.5k
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Hint: Parliamentary system, popularity based type of government in which the gathering (or an alliance of gatherings) with the best portrayal in the parliament (council) shapes the public authority, its chief turning out to be executive or chancellor.

Complete answer:
Displayed after the Westminster framework for administering the express, the Union government is principally made out of the chief, the assembly, and the legal executive, wherein all forces are vested by the constitution in the PM, parliament and the high court. The leader of India is the head of state and the president of the Indian Armed Forces while the chosen PM goes about as the top of the chief, and is liable for running the Union government. The parliament is bicameral in nature, with the Lok Sabha being the lower house, and the Rajya Sabha the upper house. The legal executive methodically contains a summit high court, 24 high courts, and a few local courts, all sub-par compared to the Supreme Court.

U.S.A. has an official framework. An official framework is an arrangement of government where a head of government is likewise head of state and leads a presidential branch that is discrete from the administrative branch. The United States, for example, has an official framework.

The United Kingdom is a protected government where the prevailing ruler (that is, the lord or sovereign who is the head of state at some random time) doesn't settle on any open political choices. All political choices are taken by the public authority and Parliament.
Legislative issues of Bangladesh happen in a structure of a parliamentary delegate majority rule republic, whereby the Prime Minister of Bangladesh is the head of government, and of a multi-party framework. Leader power is practiced by the public authority. Administrative force is vested in both the public authority and parliament.

Hence, the correct answer is option (C)

Note: The U.S. is a nation of 50 states covering an immense area of North America, with Alaska in the northwest and Hawaii broadening the country's essence into the Pacific Ocean. Significant Atlantic Coast urban communities are New York, a worldwide money and culture focus, and capital Washington, DC. Midwestern city Chicago is known for compelling engineering and on the west coast, Los Angeles' Hollywood is renowned for filmmaking