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Which of the following is not a characteristic of free radical chain reaction?
A.It produces a mole of product for a mole of free radical initiated.
B.It gives the product derived from the most stable radical.
C.It may be initiated by UV-light or heat light.
D.It may be initiated by peroxide.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: This question gives the knowledge about the free radical chain reactions. Free radical reactions involve unpaired electrons. Radicals can act as reactants, products or can even act as intermediates in various organic reactions.

Complete answer:
The process of repeating one or more steps number of times, until and unless the chain gets terminated. Radicals can act as reactants, products or can even act as intermediates in various organic reactions. Free radical reactions involve unpaired electrons.
The properties of free radicals are as follows:
$1$. Free radicals can be positively or negatively charged. They may carry zero charge.
$2$. Free radical reactions involve unpaired electrons.
$3$. Free radical reactions can be initiated by peroxides.
$4$. Radicals can act as reactants, products or can even act as intermediates in various organic reactions.
$5$. The products of free radical reactions can be derived from the most stable radical.
$6$. Free radical reactions can be initiated by UV-light or heat light.
$7$. Free radicals play a very crucial role in polymerization, combustion, plasma chemistry and various other chemical processes.
Free radical chain reactions generally involve three steps which are initiation step, propagation step and the termination step. These reactions can be initiated by peroxides, UV-light or heat light. It does not produce a mole of product for a mole of free radical initiated.

Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

Note: Always remember that the radicals can act as reactants, products or can even act as intermediates in various organic reactions. Free radical reactions can be initiated by peroxides, UV-light or heat light. Products of free radical reactions can be derived from the most stable radical.
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