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Which of the following has no teeth in its mouth?

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
Total views: 374.7k
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Hint: The main function of teeth is to break down the food by cutting and crushing it and prepare for the swelling and digesting. It is of four types that include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars holding a specific function.

Complete answer:
The tortoise has no teeth in its mouth. They have a hard and sharpened edge which they used to bite it and which looks like a bird's beak. Some species consist of broad and expanded jaws for crushing the shells of molluscs. Tortoise consists of a hard shell and they can retract their necks and head directly back into their shells to protect themselves from their prey. They have a pectoral and pelvic girdle that is inside the rib cage and can vary from a few centimeters to two meters. They tend to be crepuscular and are generally reclusive animals. They can live longer and are the longest living species that can live over 150 years but estimated to be lived for 255 years. They are found from southern North America to Southern South America and can live in diverse habitats such as deserts and grasslands. They occupy semi-arid habitats and can scrub wet evergreen forests from sea level to mountains.

Additional Information: Crocodile: They are semi-aquatic reptiles which are similar to alligators and gharials. They are carnivorous animals that are semi-aquatic and tend to congregate in freshwater. They feed mostly on vertebrates such as reptiles, fishes, and mammals. They have a streamlined body that enables them to swim and it tucks its feet to the side while swimming. They have webbed feet which allowed them to make fast turns and sudden moves in the water or to initiate swimming.
Hemidactylus: It constitutes 168 species that are found in the tropical regions of the world. They can be easily and counted by human habitations and confine it's excretion to one area of a house. They are known as house gecko and are considered a nuisance by homeowners that may stain certain surfaces.
Draco: They are agamid lizards that are capable of gliding flight with their ribs and connecting membranes that are extended to create wings. The female ventures to the ground only when she is ready to lay her eggs. She makes a nest hole by forcing her head into the soil and lays 2-5 eggs before filling the hole. She guards the exit for approximately 24 hours and then leaves and then she has nothing more to do with her offspring.

So, the correct answer is 'tortoise'.

Note: Tortoise is an ancient organism that can live almost anywhere and can live for a very long time. They think that jellyfish are delicious and can hold their breath for 5 hours underwater. Crocodiles hold the strongest bite of any animal in the world and have powerful jaws with conical teeth.