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Which law was given by Antonie L Lavoisier?
A.Laws of multiple proportion
B.Law of conservation of mass
C.Both A and B
D.None of the above

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint:Antonie-Laurent de Lavoisier is credited by the discovery of different things, he recognized and named oxygen in the year (1778) and hydrogen (1783). He also opposed the phlogiston theory.

Complete answer:
Antonie L Lavoisier is credited by the discovery of the “Law of conservation of mass”. Lavoisier found that mass is conserved in a chemical reaction. The total mass of the products of a chemical reaction is always the same as the total mass of the starting materials. His results led to one of the fundamental laws of chemical behaviour. The law of conservation states that matter is conserved in a chemical reaction.
Hence, the law given by Antonie L Lavoisier was Law of conservation of mass,

Hence, the correct option is B.

During the late 1772 Lavoisier turned his attention to the phenomenon of combustion, the topic on which he was to make his most significant contribution to science. He reported the results of his first experiments in which he reported that when phosphorus burned, it combined with a large quantity of air to form an acid spirit of phosphorus and that the phosphorus increased in weight on burning.
He is also credited with the rejection of the phlogiston theory in the year 1783 and also named the gas discovered by Henry Cavendish as “Hydrogen” that means “water-former”.
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