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What is momentum with examples.

Last updated date: 20th May 2024
Total views: 335.7k
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Hint: Momentum can be defined as the function of an object’s mass and velocity. Momentum can be well defined as the measure of the kinetic energy of the object. In simple words, the momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

Complete answer:
In simple words, the momentum deals with the quantity of the motion. It is also defined as the conserved quantity. Momentum is the measurable quantity as the object is moving and has mass and so it has the momentum. Momentum is defined as the mass (m) times the velocity (v). If an object is steady so its velocity is zero resulting in zero momentum.
-A truck full of goods has a large mass and so it must slow down before a stop light because it has the large momentum with the same velocity and so it is very difficult to stop.
-A moving bullet has a large momentum since it has an extremely large velocity though it carries very small mass.
-A bowling ball with large mass moving very slowly with a low velocity can have the same momentum as the base ball with the small mass which is thrown fast and has a high velocity.

Note: Know the difference between the inertia and the momentum and remember it accordingly. Inertia depends on only mass whereas momentum depends on mass and velocity. The total momentum is conserved whereas inertia has nothing to do with the conservation of energy.