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Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: We need to find the fraction form of 3% of 600. We convert the percentage in fraction by changing the position of the decimal point. To compensate for that we have to multiply $\dfrac{1}{10}$. We complete the multiplication and find the solution.

Complete step by step answer:
For the given percentage 3% of 600, we first convert the fraction into fraction form.
We know for any arbitrary percentage value of a%, we can write it as $\dfrac{a}{100}$. The percentage is to find the respective value out of 100.
Now for 3%, we can write it as $\dfrac{3}{100}$. Now we simplify the fraction which in turn gives the decimal.
To find 3% of 600, we need to multiply $\dfrac{3}{100}$ with 600.
We get $600\times \dfrac{3}{100}$. We know that $600\times \dfrac{3}{100}=3\times \dfrac{600}{100}$.
600 can be written as $600=6\times 100$ and that’s why \[3\times \dfrac{600}{100}=3\times \dfrac{6\times 100}{100}=3\times 6=18\].

The value of 3% of 600 is 18.

Note: The value of the fraction is actually the unitary value of 3 out of 100. Therefore, in percentage value we got 3 as the percentage. Percentage deals with the ratio out of 100. The ratio value for both fraction and percentage is the same. We also could have converted $\dfrac{3}{100}$ into decimal to multiply with 600. We have $\dfrac{3}{100}=0.03$.