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The Tropic of cancer passes through the States of:

a.1, 2 and 4
b.1 and 2
c.1, 3 and 4
d.1, 2, 3 and 4

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 379.2k
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Hint: Tropic of Cancer passes through eight states of India. From all seven northeastern states, the tropic of cancer passes only through two northeast states of India.

Complete answer: Tropic of cancer is an imaginary horizontal line situated at twenty three and half degrees north of the equator. It passes through seventeen countries. India is one of them. It passes through the middle of India dividing it in two parts. It passes through eight States of India. These include: Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram.
The Mahi river is the only river that cuts the tropic of cancer twice. First in Madhya Pradesh and then flowing through Rajasthan enters Gujarat.
Looking at the options given:
Option a: The Tropic of Cancer passes through the States of Gujarat, Jharkhand and Mizoram. It is the correct answer.
Option b: The Tropic of Cancer passes through the States of Gujarat, Jharkhand but also through the state of Mizoram. It is an incorrect answer.
Option c: The Tropic of Cancer passes through states of Gujarat and Mizoram but does not pass through the State of Assam. It is an incorrect answer.
Option d: The Tropic of Cancer passes through the States of Gujarat, Jharkhand and Mizoram but not through the state of Assam. It is an incorrect answer.

Thus, Option ‘a’ is correct.

Note: The Tropic of Cancer passes only through two States of NorthEast India. They are: Tripura and Mizoram. It does not pass through the state of Assam.