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The sulphur molecule ${{\text{S}}_{\text{8}}}$ can be represented as:
A.Cubical structure
B.Spherical structure
C.Tetrahedral structure
D.W-shaped ring structure

Last updated date: 18th May 2024
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Hint: ${{\text{S}}_{\text{8}}}$ molecule has eight sulphur molecules bonded with each other with a single covalent bond with each sulphur having a covalency of 2 and oxidation state being zero and forms a closed crown-shaped structure or a circular structure.

Complete step by step answer:
Now let us look into this sulphur molecule in a more elaborate way:
-It is important for all of you to know that, ${{\text{S}}_{\text{8}}}$ Octasulfur is an inorganic chemical. It is yellow in colour, is odourless and tasteless. It is the most common allotrope of sulphur.
-The ${{\text{S}}_{\text{8}}}$molecule of sulphur adopts a crown-shaped conformation which is sometimes also known as W-shaped ring structure with each sulphur bonded to one-another with a single covalent bond as shown in the following diagram:
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Hence, the correct answer is Option (D)

Additional information: As you all are aware that sulphur is a non-metal, having the atomic number 16 and atomic weight of 32 u. At present Sulphur has 30 well characterized isotopes in all. And no other element forms solid allotropes more than sulphur. Out of all these allotropes of sulphur rhombic sulphur is the most stable form of sulphur at room temperature.

We have mentioned the term allotrope in our discussion, so it is worth knowing about it. There is a property called allotropy which is the property of chemical elements to exist in more than one forms, which differ from each other in terms of physical states and these different forms of the elements are known as its allotropes.
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