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The solution of sugar in water contains:
A. free atoms
B. free ions
C. free molecules
D. free atoms and molecules

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 378.6k
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Hint:The solution of sugar results in a mixture of water and sugar with sugar as the solute in the specific mixture with water acting as the solvent. The sugar residue can mix at a certain level where the solution turns out to be saturated to which the mixing of the solute and solvent can take place to an optimum level.

Complete answer:The solution of sugar when it is mixed in water does not produce any specific ion. The ion formation takes place if the molecule is broken down into its component ions that form the positive and negative ions. The formation of ions does not occur when the sugar solution is made. This means that the sugar does not dissociate into the atoms involved in the formation of a sugar molecule. Therefore, the sugar in the solution remains in the molecular form. This is the importance of sugar molecules as they can properly mix inside the water molecules. The whole solution is based on the mixture of the free molecules that exist in the given sugar solution. The molecules keep mixing with one another and that is why the importance of sugar molecules is always there when it comes to forming a solution with water. Therefore, the whole solution is present in the form of free molecules.

Hence the correct option is (C).

Note:The free molecules can properly mix inside a solution as the solute molecules can diffuse with the solvent molecules to form the specific solution. The diffusion can take place in all directions till the molecules are perfectly mixed because the molecules have a character of Brownian motion.