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The molecule of the biological kingdom most abundant on earth is …………………. with ……………. monomers.
A. Cellulose, glucose
B. Starch, glucose
C. Glycogen, amylose
D. Actin, amylopectin

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: A biological molecule or biomolecule is a type of molecule that is present in organisms and these molecules are essential to perform one or more biological activities, such as cell division, morphogenesis, or growth and development. Biomolecules include proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

Complete step by step answer:
The most abundant organic compound found on Earth is the carbohydrate. It is one of the four essential organic molecules of life along with proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer and a form of carbohydrate. It is a complex carbohydrate which consists of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen atom. The chemical formula of cellulose is ${\left( {{{\text{C}}_6}{{\text{H}}_{10}}{{\text{O}}_5}} \right)_{\text{n}}}$.
Cellulose is a polysaccharide which is composed of a linear chain of several thousands of $\beta \left( {1 \to 4} \right)$ linked D-glucose units. Cellulose is an important component that helps to form the structure of the primary cell wall of green plants, many forms of algae, and the oomycetes.
Cellulose is an odourless and biodegradable compound that is insoluble in water but has most organic solvents. The properties of cellulose depend upon the number of glucose molecules which are the monomers of cellulose. At high temperatures, cellulose breaks down into glucose by treating it with concentrated acids.
Glucose is the most abundant monomer which is a subcategory of carbohydrates. Glucose is mainly produced by plants during photosynthesis from water and carbon dioxide, using energy from sunlight and it is used to form cellulose in cell walls. It is the most important source of energy for plants and animals and is used as an important simple sugar in human metabolism.
Therefore, the correct option is option A.

Additional Information:
Organic compounds or biomolecules are the molecules that compose the various living things. These molecules contain carbon elements in it. This carbon in organic compounds is mostly attached to either hydrogen or oxygen. The nitrogen element is also present in excess in organic compounds because it contributes to both protein molecules of all kinds and the two nucleic acids.

Note: Organic molecules such as carbohydrate, protein, and fat are important for all living materials on the earth as cellulose is a complex form of carbohydrate which is the most abundant organic polymer on earth. It is composed of glucose polymers. Cellulose is important for the structure of the primary cell wall of green plants. Glucose is a primary molecule, which acts as an important source of energy for plants and animals. It is the most important simple sugar in human metabolism. At the high temperatures, cellulose breaks down chemically into its glucose units.