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The fungi differ from plants in their mode of nutrition, they are ----:
A. Autotrophic
B. Diazotrophic
C. Absorptive
D. Ingestive

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
Total views: 393.9k
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Hint: Fungi are parasites and they don’t produce their own food. Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrophic in nature. They cannot prepare their own food. They include yeast, mushrooms, etc. They are absorptive heterotrophs

Complete answer: They are also known as saprotrophs; organisms that feed on or derive nourishment from dead and decaying organic matter.
They absorb and assimilate nutrients from the detritus surrounding them with the help of numerous rhizomes and hyphae.

Fungi are of the following types:
1. Phycomycetes: They have coenocytic hyphae that include Mucor, Rhizopus, etc.
2. Ascomycetes: They are saprophytic and coprophilous and includes Yeast and Penicillium
3. Basidiomycetes: They include Agaricus (Mushroom), Ustilago, Puccinia, etc.
4. Deuteromycetes: They include Alternaria, Colletotrichum, Trichoderma, etc.
They can be unicellular as in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) or multicellular as in mushrooms (Agaricus).

Additional information: Diazotrophs are organisms that have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into compounds that can be absorbed and utilized by plants.
1. They include Rhizobium, and are seen in leguminous plants as pink nodules. Nitrates, nitrites, and several other compounds are formed by these bacteria.
2. Autotrophs are organisms that have the ability to prepare/ synthesize their own food.
3. Plants, cyanobacteria, etc. photosynthesize with the help of sunlight.
Plants stores the food in the form of starch for later usage
4. Ingestives are heterotrophs that chew and swallow the food.
5. Include mammals, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles, mollusks, echinoderms, nematodes, annelids, arthropods, hemichordates, Platyhelminthes, etc.
6. Humans use fungi for many purposes. They use it as food or in the preparation of food.

So, the correct option is C.'absorptive'

Note: Fungi are extensively used for pest control. They can be used to produce citric acid, antibiotics, and human hormones. Penicillin is an important antibiotic produced from Penicillium