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The difference between protoplasm and cell sap was given by
(a) Huxley
(b) Purkinje
(c) Hugo von Mohl
(d) None of the above

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: It was given by a German botanist who was born on 8th April 1805. He's been noted for his research on plant cell anatomy and physiology. He used the microscope to study the nature of the structure of plant cells and the physiology of the higher plants.

Complete answer:
Protoplasm is a gel-like substance that is found in all cells. It is a colorless material that comprises a cell's living part including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other organelles. It is a colloid of water and the particles which are dispersed in it. Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates are those particles.
Cells sap differs from protoplasm because the fluid present in tonoplast bounded vacuoles is typically rich in metabolism by-products or reserve materials that can be used by protoplasm.
Hugo von Mohl had given the difference between protoplasm and cell sap.
In 1846 Hugo von Mohl redefined the term protoplasm to refer to the material "tough, slimy, granular, semi-fluid" inside plant cells, to distinguish this from the cell wall and the cell sap inside the vacuole.
Hugo von Mohl is credited with the identification and naming of protoplasm and the idea that cells split into new cells. He discovered, with the microscope, that the cell's basic structure involved movement inside, called intracellular movement.
So, the correct answer is, ‘Hugo von Mohl’.

Note: Hugo von Mohl was the first to establish the idea that inside the granular flowing material there is a nucleus that forms the cell's principal substance, calling this substance "protoplasm". Mohl's use of the word has been absorbed into the experience of time and persists as part of biology. Protoplasm, a colloid of semi-fluids, is the subject of life in both plant and animal cells.