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The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance. Why?

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: India, tapers into a triangular peninsula in the south, which is enveloped by the Indian Ocean. This forms a long coastline and opens up the country to the sea.

Complete answer: Since ancient times, the Indian Ocean has given India a strategic position. The routes that are connected from Europe to East Asia pass through the Indian Ocean, giving India access to them.

It also provides routes of communication. India is able to reach Europe and Africa from its Western coasts, and East Asia from its Eastern coasts. It can communicate with not just neighbouring countries, but far away countries as well.

The long coastline has facilitated the existence of several natural ports and harbours, which again, are very crucial not just for communication purposes but for economic purposes as well.

The presence of the Indian Ocean highly affects the climate of the country, and gives it a distinct character.

Hence, India’s location with respect to the Indian Ocean is of great importance.

Note: The Indian Ocean is the only ocean in the world to be named after a country. Historically, this has been a way for economic, social and cultural exchanges. The country that we see today, would have been very, very different if the Indian Ocean did not exist where it does.