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The cell wall of fungi is made up of
A. Chitin
B. Cellulose
C. Pectin
D. Suberin

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Hint: Two kingdom classifications include Plants and animals and are given by Linnaeus. Hackel has given three kingdom classifications that include protists, plants and animals.
Four kingdom classifications are given by Copeland who includes Monera, plants, animals and protists. Whittaker gave five kingdom classifications which include Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

Complete answer:
Lets know 1st about Kingdom fungi,
Kingdom Fungi: The study of fungi is known as mycology.
A fungus is a group of eukaryotic organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts and molds, as well as the more familiar mushrooms.

- Most of the fungi are filamentous.
- Their body consists of long, thread-like structures called hyphae.
- The network of hyphae is called mycelium.
- The cell wall of fungi is a complex structure which is composed of chitin and polysaccharides.
- This structure plays several functions which provide cell rigidity and determine cell shape, maintaining the metabolism.
- Saprophytes are fungi that absorb soluble organic matter from dead substrates.
- Parasites are those that depend upon living plants and animals.
- Reproduction is fungi that can take place by vegetative means such as fragmentation, fission and budding.
- Asexual reproduction is by spores known as conidia or sporangiospores or zoospores.
- Sexual reproduction is by oospores, ascospores and basidiospores.

Hence, The correct answer is option (A).

Note: The sexual cycle of fungi involves three steps:
1. Fusion of protoplasm between motile or non motile gametes called plasmogamy.
2. Fusion of two nuclei called karyogamy.
3. Meiosis in zygote resulting in haploid spores.
In fungi the fusion of two haploid cells immediately results in diploid cells, however in some fungi a dikaryotic stage occurs such a condition is called a dikaryon.
This phase is called dikaryophase.