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Term species, Diversion and phylum were coined by
A. Species by John Ray, Division by Eichler and phylum by courier
B. Species by courier, division by Eichler and phylum by Ray.
C. Species by Ray and Phylum and division by Hackel
D. Species and division by Ray and phylum by Linnaeus.

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: The various categories used classification can be arranged in a hierarchy that is ranked one above the other. The hierarchy indicates the various levels of kinship. Nearer the categories in hierarchy, the greater is the similarity between their organisms. The hierarchical system of classification was introduced by Linnaeus.
The hierarchy of major categories is given below:
Kingdom$ \to $Phylum/division$ \to $Class$ \to $Order$ \to $Family$ \to $Genus$ \to $Species

Complete answer:
Species by Ray and phylum and division by Haeckel$ \to $species
Species is a group of actually or potentially inbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.
John Ray coined the term species. He was a well known English Naturalist.
Species of the largest group of organisms in which two individuals produce offspring by sexual reproduction.
Phylum: The category is below the kingdom. A phylum is a group of related animal classes.
Division: A group of related plant classes is called a division.
The term phylum and division coined by E. Haeckel.
G.L. Cuvier: He was the proponent of catastrophism in geology in the early 19th century.
Carolus Linnaeus: He gave binomial nomenclature.
Eichler: He divided the plant kingdom into five divisions.

Hence the correct answer is option (C).

Note:Taxonomic Hierarchy:- The various categories used in classification can be arranged in a hierarchy called taxonomic hierarchy.