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What is the structure of novocaine?
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Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 344.1k
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Hint: As we know that this molecule can be easily soluble in water. We have to remember that it is a white crystalline powder. It is a drug which can be consumed during the time of unconsciousness or nausea. We also need to remember that initially it is used to treat tooth problems also but since it causes allergies to patients it is not in use anymore in dental needs.

Complete step by step answer:
We have to remember that the novacaine is an anesthetic drug which contains a general structure of amino ester.
The molecular/systematic name of novacine is \[2 - \left( {diethylamino} \right)ethyl{\text{ }}4 - aminobenzoate\].
Now we discuss the option A) this is an incorrect option as this molecule contains a chloro group in it but actually novocaine contains a amino group as the formula says thus this option is not correct.
We can see about option B) This is a correct option. Novocaine contains an amino group as the molecular name says.
Now we can discuss the option C) this is an incorrect option, this molecule contains hydroxyl group, which is not present in novacaine.
Let’s see the option D) this is an incorrect option as this molecule contains methyl group, which is not present in novacaine.

Hence, the correct answer is ‘Option B’.

Note: We must know that the IUPAC Name of novacine is \[2 - \left( {diethylamino} \right)ethyl{\text{ }}4 - aminobenzoate\]so it is clearly seen about the functional groups present in this compound. We must know that it is basically an amino ester so we can easily neglect other options as they contain different function groups.