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Stingray is
A. Trygon
B. Torpedo
C. Pristis
D. Syllum

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
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Hint: Stingrays are fishes that are cartilaginous and are related to sharks closely even though they don’t resemble fishes in appearance. They are carnivorous animals and they feed on smaller marine animals by hunting them. They have a long tail which has venom in them.

Complete answer:
Let us look at each of the options given in the question and see what are those organisms. The first is trygon. Trygon is a common name given to the genus Dasyatis. This genus includes Stingrays that is native to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. They are most commonly found in marine waters but some of the species of stingrays have made their way into fresh waters in continents of Asia and Australia.
The next option is torpedo. Torpedoes are also cartilaginous fishes that almost look like Stingrays but torpedoes are commonly known as electric rays because they are able to produce electric discharge. This electric discharge produced by the torpedoes is used in defense and also used to capture the prey.
The next Organism given this Pristis. Pristis is another genus of cartilaginous fishes that are present in marine waters, fresh waters and also in estuaries. Pristis is commonly called the sawfish. The name sawfish is given to these fishes because of the long protruding rostrum that looks like a saw. This saw is used for the protection against potential predators that may try to hunt the fish (Eg: sharks)
 So, the correct answer is “Option A”.

Sting rays have a special structure in them filled with gel called ‘The ampullae of Lorenzini’. These fluid filled pits help them in capturing electric signals from the other organisms moving around them. This helps them to detect and capture the prey.
It can be noted that around forty-five species of stingrays are considered to be endangered and vulnerable and there is a constant decrease in the population of stingrays over the years.