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Since your birth, how many times have gone around the sun?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 377.1k
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Hint: The time taken by earth to complete one revolution around the sun is equal to one year. Suppose we are born on one day of the year. Now, when the earth completes one revolution after this day, we complete one revolution around the sun and we will be grown by one year.

Complete answer:
In our solar system, the sun is the largest body and all the planets and other celestial bodies revolve around the sun. Similarly, our earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. The earth revolves around the sun in equal intervals of time. Therefore, we know that the earth has a time period of revolution. Time period of revolution of earth is the time taken by earth to complete one revolution around the sun. And we say that this time period is equal to one year. We make our calendar according to this time period. A particular day is unique for a year and it repeats every year.
Suppose we are born on one day of the year. Now, when the earth completes one revolution after this day, we complete one revolution around the sun and we will be grown by one year.This means that the number of times we are around the sun, that many times we grow older. For example, if you are 13 years old than since your birth you have gone around the sun for 13 times.

Therefore, the number of times you have gone around the sun, since your birth is equal to your age.

Note: We know that a single year consists of 365 days. However, a time that is equal to one year is not exactly equal to 365 days. It is almost equal to 365.24 days.That is the reason why we have a leap year after every four years. In a leap year, the month February has one extra day.
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