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Ruminate endosperm is found in
A. Cruciferae
B. Asteraceae
C. Euphorbiaceac
D. Annonaceae

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Ruminate endosperm is a condition in which the endosperm is dissected by in-growths of the seed coat and it is made up of albumen of the seed. This endosperm gives a mottled appearance to its section, and results from folding of a dark inner layer of seed coat when in the light colored matter of the endosperm. This ruminate endosperm is a common condition in palms as this type of endosperm develops early and hence in growth are directly formed into the tissues directly.

Complete answer:
Ruminate endosperm commonly occurs in palms or annonaceae as they possess a condition in which the endosperm develops early and hence the in growth develops into the tissues directly. Basically, ruminate endosperm is a structure made up of albumen of the seed which gives a mottled appearance and which results in a dark inner layer of seed coat into the light colored matter of the endosperm. Families having ruminate type of endosperm are palmaceae, annonaceae, rubiaceae, myristicaceae and aristolochiaceae. Annonaceae seeds have one to many pistils which possess fleshy and usually bright colored cover which contain ruminate endosperm. Ruminate endosperms are nutritive tissues surrounding the embryo and help in growth and development of the embryo and they are oily in nature.

Hence, the correct option is D. Annonaceae.

Endosperms are responsible to provide nutrients to the embryo as they consist of nutritive components and help in growth and nourishment of the embryo. Endosperm also helps in storage of food which is consumed by embryos during the initial process of germination. Endosperm tissues are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.