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Pure or distilled water is not used for drinking, mainly because:
(a) It is poisonous.
(b) It has a very high solubility.
(c) It is bacteria free.
(d) It is not available easily.

Last updated date: 20th May 2024
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Hint: We know that distilled water is highly pure water. Distilled water is prepared by the distillation of normal water. Distilled water is used in industries where highly pure water is required for manufacturing processes distilled water is water that has been boiled into vapour and condensed back into liquid in a separate container, impurities in original water do not boil near boiling point of water,so it is referred as one type of purified water.

Complete answer:
-We know that distilled water is highly pure water. Distilled water is obtained by boiling water into water vapour. The water vapours are condensed back into liquid water into another container.
-The water obtained by this process is highly pure. This is because the impurities present in water do not boil below the boiling water of water and remain in the container.
-Distilled water is used mainly in biological labs and chemical labs and in industries where highly purified water is required.
-Distilled water is not used for drinking because it is demineralized i.e. it does not contain any minerals.
Pure or distilled water has highly solubility. Distilled water is acidic in nature and is used to draw poison out of the body.
-Continued drinking of distilled water is harmful for the human body. Distilling of water removes organic compounds from water. The organic compounds which have boiling point lower than that of water can be removed.
-Thus, pure or distilled water is not used for drinking, mainly because it has a very high solubility.

Thus, the correct option is (b) it has a very high solubility.

Note:Distilled water is the purest form of water. Double distilled water is more pure than distilled water. Double distilled water undergoes the process of distillation twice.distilling rids water of all impurities. It also removes the minerals present in the is mainly used in laboratories.

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