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Print led to intense controversies between social and religious reformers and Hindu orthodoxy. Support the statement with an example.
"Novels helped in creating a sense of social awareness in India." Explain.

Last updated date: 13th Sep 2024
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Hint: Social organizations, like individuals, work together through people who connect. This interaction is socially viewed, whether or not they know it even whether the interaction is voluntary. Most of the religious reforms begin with parts of the religious community and face opposition in other parts of the same religious community.

Complete answer:
Print resulted in extreme controversy over matters such as widows, monotheism, brahmanic priesthood and idolatry between social and religious réformers and Hindu orthodoxy.
There have been several claims circulated in Bengal, the subject has established tracts and journals. The proposals were written in the local speakers' daily language in order to attract a larger audience. Raja Rammohan Roy published in 1821 the 'Sambad Kaumudi' and the Hindu Orthodoxy directed the 'Chandrika Samachar' to condemn Rammohan Roy's opinions. Since 1822, 'Jam-i-Jahan Nama' and 'Shamsul Akbar' were published in two Persian newspapers.
"The novels helped in creating a sense of social awareness in India" may clarify the argument,
(I) Maximum writer novels contribute to social problems posed by social issues. This has allowed the social consciousness of society to spread.
(ii) Novels have sent a strong reform message. The 'Saraswativijayam' of Potheri Kunjambu is a case in point. Caste concerns were actually posed in this book.
(iii) To put people from different backgrounds together creates a sense of mutual identity, and the nation is the most remarkable form of this community. In Premchand's novels the meaning of nationalism is visible.
(iv) The social problems were discussed and had a great influence on social awareness-building in Premchand's Rangbhoomi, Godan, Karmabhoomi.
(v) Indians used novels as a way of denouncing social flaws and suggesting alternatives.

Note: Orthodoxy does not exist in Hinduism, as the term Hindu itself collectively refers to the different beliefs of people living beyond the Sindhu River of the Indus Valley Civilization.