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How many pairs of ribs does a fetal pig have?

Last updated date: 06th May 2024
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Hint: Ribs form a rib cage and are attached to the spine of the pigs and are made up of cartilage and not bones. The ribs of pigs are edible. There are no differences in the number of ribs in an adult pig or a fetal pig, they both show the same anatomy and the same number of ribs.

Complete answer:
1)The number of ribs in a fetal pig is not fixed and it depends upon the breed of the pig. These different breeds are produced by the mating of different varieties of breeds. Different breeds of pigs also show a variation in their body size and anatomy, due to which the numbers of ribs in different varieties of pigs can also show variations.

2)Normally the pigs have 28 ribs that are 14 pairs of ribs. There are some breeds of pigs that show less than 14 pairs of ribs, for example, the Lacombe breed may show less number of ribs, mostly 13 pairs and there are some breeds that show more than 14 pairs of ribs, for example, American landrace have 17 pairs of ribs.

Note: The ribs of pigs are classified into four parts that are spare ribs, back ribs, rib tips, and st. Louis ribs and a small extension from a rib are observed that is known as the diaphragm and the upper part of ribs are known as loin which is a fleshy part of the ribs.