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When \[NaN{O_2}\] is heated in absence of air the product is/are-
(A) \[\left( {NaN{O_3}} \right)\]
(B) \[N{a_2}O\]
(C) \[\left( {{N_2}} \right)\]
(D) \[{O_2}\]

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint:In a chemical reaction reactants reaction with each other at appropriate conditions to give products. The speed of some reactions is fast and the speed of some reaction is slow. And slow reactions can be made fast by using specific catalysts.

Complete step by step answer:
Sodium is a metal denoted by symbol \[Na\] and sodium metal electropositive in nature it donates one electron and nitrite \[\left( {N{O_2}} \right)\]is electronegative and takes one electron from sodium metal and ionic bond formed between copper and oxygen. So to break this bond heat is supplied to it is an endothermic reaction.
When \[NaN{O_2}\] is heated in the absence in air or without oxygen then it produced sodium nitrate\[\left( {NaN{O_3}} \right)\], dinitrogen oxide\[N{a_2}O\]and nitrogen gas\[\left( {{N_2}} \right)\]. The chemical reaction will be
\[5NaN{O_2}\xrightarrow{{heat}}3NaN{O_3} + N{a_2}O + {N_2}\]
Nitrogen gas in which two nitrogen atoms triple bond is present so it requires more energy to break these bonds due to this nitrogen gas being less reactive in nature.
Hence options A, B, C are the correct options.

Additional information: Sodium nitrate \[\left( {NaN{O_3}} \right)\] is white crystalline form present in nature and is also present in mineral forms like nitratine, and the melting point of Sodium nitrate \[\left( {NaN{O_3}} \right)\] is \[{308^O}C\] and the boiling point of Sodium nitrate \[\left( {NaN{O_3}} \right)\] is \[{380^O}C\].
Sodium nitrate is most commonly used as a preservative to prevent bacterial infection in foods.

Sodium metal is very reactive in nature because when it loses one electron from its outermost shell it gains stable electronic configuration so sodium metal is highly reactive in nature and also flammable.
Sodium metal is kept in kerosene oil so it does not contact with oxygen and does not react with oxygen molecules.
Nitrogen gas is also used as an inert atmosphere.