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Name the six birds that lay eggs.

Last updated date: 02nd May 2024
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Hint: Many diverse species of female animals, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, a few mammals, and fish, lay eggs, and many of these have been consumed by humans for thousands of years. A protective eggshell, albumen, and vitellus are housed within multiple thin membranes in bird and reptile eggs.

Complete answer:
The six birds that lay eggs are following:
1. Pigeon- Columbidae
2. Parrots- Psittaciformes
3. Sparrow- Passeridae
4. Ostrich- Struthio camelus
5. Kingfishers- Alcedinidae
6. Crows- Corvus
7. Hummingbirds- Trochilidae
Oviparous animals are those that lay their eggs in the mother's womb with little or no other embryonic development. Most fish, amphibians, reptiles, and all pterosaurs, dinosaurs, birds, and monotremes use this technique of reproduction.
Oviparous creatures create offspring by laying eggs with hard shells. Ovoviviparous animals lay eggs in the mother's womb and maintain them there until the foetus is fully developed and ready to birth. Viviparous creatures grow embryonically inside their mother's body.
Hens will lay one or more eggs every day until they have accumulated a clutch of eggs. If you collect eggs every day, they will continue to lay eggs since their goal is to always have a clutch. Approximately a dozen eggs make up a clutch.
Insects, turtles, lizards, and reptiles are all known to lay eggs. The platypus and the echidna are the only mammals that lay eggs. All other mammals are able to give birth to living children. Hummingbirds lay the smallest eggs while ostriches lay the largest eggs of all the birds that lay eggs.

The major distinction between oviparous and viviparous species is that oviparous animals do not go through embryonic development within the mother, whereas viviparous animals develop into a young animal within the mother. Oviparous animals are those that lay eggs. These eggs mature and hatch into young people.