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What was the name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh's mother?
A) Mata Tripta
B) Rani Raj Kaur
C) Mata Gujri
D) Mata Ganga

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: Maharaja Ranjit Singh, also known as Sher-e-Punjab or "Lion of Punjab," was the founder of the Sikh Empire, which governed the northwest Indian subcontinent in the early nineteenth century. He was immune to smallpox as a child, but his left eye was blinded. At the age of ten, he and his father fought their first fight.

Complete answer:
Now let us analyze the given options:
Option A: This is not the correct option because Guru Nanak Dev, Sikhism's founder, had a mother named Mata Tripta.
Option B: This is the correct option because Rani Raj Kaur was the mother of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the founder of the Sikh Empire, and the wife of Maha Singh, the leader of the Sukerchakia Misl. After her marriage, she became known as Mai Malwain (Malwa Mother). She was the daughter of Raja Gajpat Singh Sidhu of Jind and was also known as Sardarni Raj Kaur.
Option C: This is not the correct option because Mata Gujri (1624–1705), also known as Mata Gujari, was the mother of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru of Sikhism, and the wife of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru.
Option D: This is not the correct option because, in the Mahabharata, Ganga is the mother of the Kuru ruler Shantanu's warrior Bhishma. In Hinduism, Ganga is revered as humanity's mother.

Rani Raj Kaur was the name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh's mother. Therefore the correct answer is option ‘B’.

Note: Raj Kaur gave birth to Maha Singh's lone son on November 2, 1780, six years after their marriage. At birth, he was given the name Buddh Singh, but he was later renamed, Ranjit Singh. Alms-giving, feeding the needy, and lavish offerings to temples and shrines were all part of the celebration of a son's birth.