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Name an animal that stays in water like fish but has no gills to breathe in water. It gives birth to babies like the tiger does, but does not live in the forest.

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
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Hint: Mammals are a class of animals that give birth to live young ones and breathe through the lungs. There are a few examples of water mammals that stay in the water but do not have gills and give birth to live young ones as the tiger does. It also includes the largest animals in the world.

Complete answer:
Class Mammalia includes animals that are warm- blooded, breathe through lungs, give birth to live young ones, etc.
Humans, tigers, wolves, and many of the terrestrial animals are classified under this class.
There are a few sea animals that are classified under the class Mammalia too.
Animals like sea lions, whales, and dolphins are some of the mammals that dwell in the water bodies.
They bear mammalian characters like warm blood, giving birth to live young ones, and breathing through lungs instead of gills.
Whales and dolphins have a blowhole which is similar to the nostrils in humans which are located on top of their heads. Since they cannot breathe in the water, they surface from time to time to breathe through these blowholes.
So, the answer is, “whales and dolphins.”

- Though whales and dolphins like most other mammals give birth to live young ones, there are exceptional mammals that lay eggs and do not give birth to young ones. - They include mammals like duck- billed platypus, echidna, or the spiny anteater. - They are classified into Mammalia, due to the presence of other characteristic features like the presence of breasts for the nourishment of their young ones.