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Multiparty system functions effectively in ________________
(A) Absolute monarchy
(B) Dictatorship
(C) Military rule
(D) A democracy

Last updated date: 05th May 2024
Total views: 368.1k
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Hint:A multi-party system is a system which comprises many political parties in the political spectrum running for election, and all the parties have ability to achieve control of government offices, either separately or in alliance. Multi-party systems are more common in parliamentary than presidential systems.

Complete answer:
Party systems may be divided into three broad categories: single-party two-party and multiparty. Such categorization is based not purely on the number of parties functioning within a particular country but on a range of different characteristics that the three systems demonstrate. Two-party and multiparty systems signify means of organizing political disagreement within pluralistic societies and are thus the element of democracy. India, Brazil, Spain, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine are examples of countries that have multi-party systems efficiently in their democracies. Democracy is a type of government in which the citizens of the country have the power to decide their governing legislators. The political party are the group of people who have similar political views and tend to achieve political power through constitutional means and aspire to function for the national interest.

Hence, the correct answer is option (D).

Note: Dictatorship is a government in which one particular person or small group has power without any constitutional limitations and civilian mobilization and abolishes political pluralism. The term dictatorship comes from Latin word dictator. In the Roman Republic a temporary magistrate was designated who was given extraordinary powers to deal with crisis in the state.