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Match Column A (name of the scientists) with column B (their contributions towards the understanding of the atomic structure).
Column AColumn B
A. Ernest Rutherford1. Indivisibility of atoms
B. J .J. Thomson2. Stationary orbits
C. Dalton3. Concept of nucleus
D. Neils Bohr4. Discovery of electrons
E. James Chadwick5. Atomic number
F. E. Goldestein6. Neutron
G. Moseley7. Canal rays

A. A$\to $ 3, B $\to $4, C$\to $1, D$\to $2, E$\to $6, F$\to $7, G$\to $5
B. A$\to $ 3, B $\to $4, C$\to $6, D$\to $2, E$\to $1, F$\to $5, G$\to $7
C. A$\to $ 3, B $\to $4, C$\to $1, D$\to $2, E$\to $6, F$\to $5, G$\to $7
D. A$\to $ 3, B $\to $4, C$\to $1, D$\to $2, E$\to $5, F$\to $7, G$\to $6

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 388.5k
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Hint: We should know some basic concepts regarding the atom, nucleus, stationary orbits, atomic number, canal rays, discovery of electrons, neutrons etc. to match column A with Column B.

Complete Solution :
- We have to match column A with Column B in the given question.
- First we have to write the answers for column A and later we will match with column B.
- Rutherford observed that some rays are bouncing back in the scattering experiment and he discovered the nucleus.
- J. J. Thomson through a cathode ray experiment discovered the electron.
- Dalton suggested that the matter contains small particles called atoms.
- Neils Bohr proposed that the electrons move continuously in a fixed orbit.
- James Chadwick found that neutrons have no charge.
- E. Goldstein revealed the presence of protons through canal rays experiment
- Moseley said that the chemical properties of the elements are the periodic function of the respective atomic number.
Column AColumn B
A. Ernest Rutherford3. Concept of nucleus
B. J .J. Thomson4. Discovery of electrons
C. Dalton1. Indivisibility of atoms
D. Neils Bohr2. Stationary orbits
E. James Chadwick6. Neutron
F. E. Goldestein7. Canal rays
G. Moseley5. Atomic number

So, the correct answer is “Option A”.
After reading all the answers match one by one with column B. We will get the matching in the following sequence. A$\to $ 3, B $\to $4, C$\to $1, D$\to $2, E$\to $6, F$\to $7, G$\to $5

Note: In the modern periodic table, the physical and chemical properties of the elements are the periodic functions of their atomic weights and the long period table has been divided into the periods (horizontal rows) and groups (vertical columns). In terms of the electron configuration, a group consists of a series of elements which have the same outermost electronic configurations but they have different total numbers of electrons. In the periodic table, there are a total of 18 groups.