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List some examples of Newton’s second of motion.

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Hint:The three laws of motion govern all the classical mechanics in physics.Newton’s second law of motion states that force on a body is equal to rate of change of momentum and mathematically its represented as $\vec F = m\vec a$ where $m$ is the inertial mass of the body and $\vec a$ is the acceleration of the body.

Complete answer:
Let us first understand Newton's second law of motion in brief. Let us suppose a body has given a force $\vec F$ and its momentum is denoted as $\vec p$ then rate of change of momentum which is $\dfrac{{d\vec p}}{{dt}}$ is equals to the force applied on body and can be written as $\vec F = \dfrac{{d\vec p}}{{dt}}$.

Here are some common examples of Newton’s second law of motion:
-Riding a bicycle: As a cyclist applies force on pedals the mass of the combined system which is bicycle and cyclist starts to move with some acceleration and this force is equal to the rate of change of momentum of the combined system.
-Pushing a truck is always harder than pushing a car, it’s because of Newton's second law of motion as the higher mass of the body needs a higher amount of force to produce motion as compared to the lower mass body.
-In a cricket game, the momentum of the ball with which it gets hitted by a batsmen depends upon the force with which the batsman hits the ball with his bat.

Note:Apart from newton’s second law of motion, Newton’s first law states that “all objects tends to be in same state whether in rest or in motion unless external force is not applied on it” and Newton’s third law of motion states that “every reaction force has an equal and opposite reaction force”.