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Is sulphur a metal, metalloid or nonmetal? What is its family name?

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 330k
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Hint: All elements (except hydrogen) which form a positive ion by losing electrons within a chemical reaction are known as metals whereas the elements which have a tendency to gain electrons and form anions within a chemical reaction are known as nonmetals. The elements which tend to behave as both metals and nonmetals under specific conditions are known as metalloids.

Complete answer:
Sulphur is a chemical element whose atomic number is $16$ and it is represented by the symbol $S$. It is abundant, multivalent and non-metallic in nature. Under normal conditions, sulphur exists in its molecular form with chemical formula ${S_8}$. It belongs to group VI which is known as chalcogens or oxygen family.
The sulphur element is considered as a nonmetal due to the following reasons:
-It is not lustrous in nature.
-It is a non-sonorous substance.
-It is a non-conductor of electricity.
-It has relatively lower density as compared to metals.
-It consists of high electronegativity as compared to other metals.
-It forms acidic oxides.
Therefore, sulphur is a nonmetal which belongs to the oxygen family which is also known as chalcogens.

It is important to note that the elements of the oxygen family are extracted from ores of copper oxides, sulphide, selenide and telurids. The word chalcogen is derived from a Greek word chalkos which means copper ore former. Therefore, the oxygen family is also known as chalcogens.