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Is glass a polymer ?

Last updated date: 20th May 2024
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Hint: $ Si{{O}_{2}} $ is the chemical formula for the highest grade glass. However, this is deceptive. This formula brings up images of tiny silicon dioxide molecules, which are similar to carbon dioxide molecules. However, there are no little silicon dioxide molecules. Instead, $ Si{{O}_{2}} $ is frequently found as a crystalline solid in nature.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
Each silicon atom is tetrahedrally linked to four oxygen atoms, while each oxygen atom is coupled to two silicon atoms. We call $ Si{{O}_{2}} $ silica when it is in this crystalline state. Quartz is what we name it when we find large, honking crystals of it. Sand is what we call it when there are a lot of small crystals of it. This silica, however, is not glass. To turn it into glass, we need to do something with it first.
We'll have to heat it till it melts, then quickly cool it down. The silicon and oxygen atoms break out from their crystal structure as it melts. The atoms would progressively line up into their crystalline configuration if we slowed down the cooling process.
However, if we cool it down quickly enough, the silica atoms will be halted in their tracks. They won't have time to line up, so they'll have to make do with whatever they can. The atoms are now arranged in no particular sequence. Amorphous materials are what we call them. This is the type of glass used in telescope lenses and other similar applications. Although it has excellent optical characteristics, it is fragile.
Something stronger is required for everyday usage. The majority of glass is formed of sand, and when we melt it down, we generally add sodium carbonate. This results in a more durable glass. This is the glass you see in jars and windows every day, and it's also the glass used in composites.
hence it is not a polymer.

Amorphous and glassy pharmaceutical substances are examples of important polymer glasses. These are helpful because, as compared to a crystalline composition, the solubility of the chemical is considerably improved when it is amorphous. In their crystalline forms, many new medicines are essentially insoluble. Glasses are a kind of polymer thermoplastic that is commonly used in everyday life. Polymer glasses (acrylic glass, polycarbonate, or polyethylene terephthalate) are a lighter alternative to conventional glass in numerous applications, such as glass bottles and eyeglasses.
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