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In which region of India was the Firdausi order of Sufism popular?
A) Sind
B) In and around Delhi
C) Deccan
D) Bihar

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Sufism, diversely demarcated as "Islamic theology", "the inward measurement of Islam" or "the spectacle of spirituality within Islam", is theology in Islam, "categorized ... [by particular] morals, ceremonial performs, principles and establishments" which commenced very early in Islamic history. It signifies "the key exhibition and the most significant and central manifestation of" spiritual exercise in Islam.

Complete Answer:
Firdausi order was the division of the Suhrawardi order. Shaikh Badruddin Samarkand was the originator of this order. This request was common in Bihar. It was engendered by Shaikh Sharfuddin Yahya. The request started in Sohrevard in present Iran however it widened everywhere on the Islamic world under its originator's nephew, Abu Hafs Umar al-Suhrawardi (1145 – 1234 CE), who was guided by the Caliph in Baghdad as a delegate to the Ayyubid Sultan Al-Adil I of Egypt, to Khwarezm-Shah Muhammad of Bukhara and Kayqubad I, Sultan of Rûm. The order's originator was a follower of Ahmad Ghazali, brother of the renowned philosopher Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, who educated Shafi'i law (fiqh) at Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad Academy. His persisting creation is called Kitab Adab Al-Muridin - "The Book of Duty of Disciples''.

Thus, option (D) is correct.

The originator's nephew Shahab al-Din Abu Hafs Umar Suhrawardi, writer of Awarif ul-Maarif, ("The Heights of the Gnostics"), relinquished ascetics and strictness in courtesy of vigorous life in society, upholding close interaction with the civil establishments and commencing ambassadorial tasks and the political conclusion of fights. His expensive abbey in Baghdad, with gardens and bathhouses, was constructed for him by Caliph an-Nasir.