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Why is housefly termed as a public enemy No.1?

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Hint: The housefly (Musca domestica) is a suborder of the fly family Cyclorrhapha. It is thought to have originated during the Cenozoic Era, probably in the Middle East, and has since spread throughout the world as a human commensal. It is the most common form of fly found in homes.

Complete answer:
Housefly or mucosa domestica live with close association with human beings all over the world. This feeds on foodstuff waste where they can pick up and transport various disease agents from one place to another.

The life cycle of a housefly usually consists of egg, larva or maggot, Pupa and adult. It takes about 6 to 40 days to develop into an adult fly. The length of life is usually two to three weeks but they can survive for 3 months in a cooler condition.

They usually breed in a very wet medium where the Lava can survive. Both male and female feed on human food garbage excreta include sweat and animal dung.

Flies can spread a number of diseases because they feed freely on human beings and filthy material at the same time. They pickup disease-causing organisms while crawling in feeding that sticks to the outer surface of the fly and it survives in the gut of the housefly which is transferred to food that is consumed by humans.

Transmission takes place in the airplane making contact with people or their food. Most of the diseases spread through contaminated food, water , air and person-to-person contact.
These are called as human No.1 enemy as these usually transmits disease and infections such as diarrhea typhoid eye infection skin infection

Note: Four strategies can be used to avoid diseases from housefly
• Reduction and eliminating the site for flies breeding.
• Protection of food, eating utensils and people from contact with flies.
• Reduction of sources that attract flies from other areas;
• Prevention of contact between flies and disease-causing germs