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Headquarters of Biodiversity International is located at
A. England
B. Italy
C. Germany
D. Australia

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 383.1k
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Hint: Biodiversity International is an organization that works to make the world a food secure place to live. They also focus on various aspects of sustainable living and areas of adaptation to the changing climate of the world.

Complete answer:
Sustainable development is development that takes place without reducing the environmental quality around us. That is, economic development at present without compromising environment quality for the future generations.
The policy for sustainable development was framed as a part of the Agenda 21 in the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The salient features of sustainable development are outlined below:
-Natural resources should be used in a sensible manner
-Use of natural resources should not harm the environment
-Development and use of natural resources should not cause environmental pollution
-The rate of goods usage should not exceed the rate of its production.

The biodiversity International is such an organization that promotes sustainable development with respect to agricultural biodiversity. It works to ensure food security in developing countries. It is a research based organization that delivers scientific advice and management practices that support sustainable growth and agricultural biodiversity. The organization believes that plant and animal diversities can be increased and better utilized if we adapt to use local plants and animals and also maintain a healthy population of natural pollinators, microbes and nutrient concentration of soil. These measures can help us to cope with the climatic changes and help to somewhat reverse it.
The Biodiversity International is headquartered in Italy with regional offices spread throughout the low income and developing countries of the world.

Hence, the correct answer is option (B).

Note: Biological International is a research based organization that primarily works towards developing a sustainable and food secure world. It helps to frame management policies that help to carry out agriculture without harming the environment.