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Flexibility in plants is due to
A] Collenchyma
B] Sclerenchyma
C] Parenchyma
D] Chlorenchyma

Last updated date: 06th May 2024
Total views: 329.1k
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Hint: Tissue is a group of cells that perform a specific function. There are two types of tissue present in cells namely meristematic and permanent tissue.
Collenchyma is a type of permanent tissue. It allows easy bending of plant parts without their breakage. It provides mechanical support to plants thus it provides flexibility to plants. It is present in leaf stalks below the epidermis. The cells of this tissue are living and elongated. They have very less intercellular spaces.

Complete answer:
A] collenchyma- it allows easy bending of plant parts and provides flexibility. So the option is correct.
B] Sclerenchyma- this tissue makes the plant hard and stiff. It is present in the husk of a coconut. So the option is not correct.
C] parenchyma- this tissue provides support to plants. It also stores food. So this option is not correct.
D] chlorenchyma- when parenchyma contains chlorophyll and performs the function of photosynthesis it is called chlorenchyma. So the option goes wrong.

Our required answer is a] is collenchyma.

The permanent tissues are those that have taken particular structure and function and have lost the ability to divide further. They are of three types’ parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
Meristematic tissue is the tissue that has the ability to divide. These are of three types of apical meristem that are present in growing tips of roots and stem and increase their length. Lateral meristem that increases girth of stem and intercalary meristem.