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How do you find the length, width, and height of a rectangular prism if the volume is \[{{h}^{3}}+{{h}^{2}}-20h\] cubic meters?

Last updated date: 18th May 2024
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Hint: A polynomial is factored completely when it is expressed as a product of one or more polynomials that cannot be factored further. To factor a polynomial completely, we need to identify the greatest common monomial factor. Not all polynomials can be factored in. We know that the volume of a rectangular prism is \[V=l.b.h\].

Complete step by step answer:
As per the given question, we have to find the dimensions of the rectangular prism using factoring methods by factoring the given volume expression. Here, we have the given volume expression \[V={{h}^{3}}+{{h}^{2}}-20h\].

Let a rectangular prism with the dimension’s length ‘l’, width ‘b’ and height ‘h’ as shown in the figure below:

seo images

Then, the volume of the prism is given by \[V=l.b.h\]. But we know that the volume of the required prism is \[V={{h}^{3}}+{{h}^{2}}-20h\]. Hence, we can combine both expressions. Then, we get
\[\Rightarrow l.b.h={{h}^{3}}+{{h}^{2}}-20h\].
Here, we can observe that ‘h’ is common on both sides of the equation. Thus, we can eliminate ‘h’ to get
\[\Rightarrow \dfrac{l.b.h}{h}=\dfrac{{{h}^{3}}+{{h}^{2}}-20h}{h}\Rightarrow l.b={{h}^{2}}+h-20\]
In the quadratic equation \[{{h}^{2}}+h-20\], x-coefficient is 1. The product of \[{{x}^{2}}-\text{coefficient}\] and the constant term is -20. We split up x-coefficient 1 into two numbers whose sum (or difference) is 1 and product is -20. Hence, the required numbers are 5 and -4. Thus, the equation becomes
\[\Rightarrow l.b={{h}^{2}}+h-20={{h}^{2}}+5h-4h-20\]
Taking \[(h+5)\] common in the first 2 terms and last 2 terms, we get
\[\Rightarrow l.b=h(h+5)-4(h+5)=(h-4)(h+5)\]
As we know that length is greater than width, then we get \[l=(h+5)\] meters and \[b=(h-4)\] meters.
\[\therefore l=(h+5),\text{ }b=(h-4)\text{ and }h=h\] meters are the length, width and height of the rectangular prism respectively.

 In order to solve these types of questions, we need to have enough knowledge of factoring methods of polynomials. If polynomials can’t be factored then we can use quadratic formula \[x=\dfrac{-b\pm \sqrt{{{b}^{2}}-4ac}}{2a}\] to find the factors. We should avoid calculation mistakes to get the correct solution.

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